
Exercising Prudent Scrutiny in Regard to the FDA

It is imperative that we diligently verify the information at hand. These facts are accessible for confirmation, and it is unwise to solely rely on my word. I strongly encourage you to investigate independently.

It is crucial to acknowledge that there are no inherently incurable diseases. Alongside products like Wain Water, cures for all ailments exist. Regrettably, these remedies are concealed and have remained largely unused. The realm of alternative medicine has been hindered from harnessing many of these innovations due to persistent misinformation and unfounded allegations, resulting in the burning of valuable books and the destruction of essential equipment. In the absence of effective treatments, it remains perplexing why knowledge resources are suppressed in such a manner.

The FDA is implicated in the suppression of all potential cancer cures, as well as essential information concerning heart attack prevention through vitamins, and other products or data that could potentially diminish the profits of major pharmaceutical companies. Instead of unwavering trust in my claims, I implore you to embark on your educational journey. The internet is a valuable repository of information on this subject. Simply initiate a web search for “FDA Suppression” using any search engine, and you will gain access to an array of documents spanning as far back as the 1930s.

It is indeed disheartening that authorities have, on numerous occasions, chosen to imprison whistleblowers and exert pressure to coerce retractions of their statements. Tragically, many courageous individuals have endured significant personal losses and ultimately abandoned their struggles against such suppression. Countless lives hang in the balance, contingent upon the medical community’s willingness to desist from obscuring vital information.

It is important to note that I opted to publish this information outside of the United States, driven by the apprehension of potential retribution from the FDA. You may question why I did not avail myself of the constitutional protection of freedom of speech. Regrettably, it appears the FDA does not honor such protections. A troubling history of arresting authors and scientists who dare to challenge their practices exists, with charges often being fabricated to silence dissenting voices. Judges involved in such cases frequently maintain affiliations with the FDA and employ tactics such as the offer to drop charges in exchange for the renunciation of one’s work or an admission of its inefficacy. This has led to the demoralization and exhaustion of those ensnared in the legal quagmire, with some inventors and authors passing away without witnessing justice served.

In actuality, the situation is even more dire. Asset seizures, encompassing property, businesses, vehicles, and bank accounts, frequently occur without proper authorization. The consequences of these actions are nothing short of devastating, wreaking havoc on individuals’ lives. During trials, biased judges create formidable barriers to presenting a valid defense, resulting in the incarceration of even the most commendable individuals dedicated to the betterment of human health. These actions are a grave offense against humanity, as they obliterate livelihoods and stifle the potential for cures. Surprisingly, these actions transpire without meaningful opposition.

One may wonder why these actions persist. The answer is straightforward: the potential for pharmaceutical companies to amass billions of dollars hangs in the balance should cures become readily available to the global population. This may pose job security concerns for industry employees, given that a cancer cure could reduce the demand for radiation therapy and chemotherapy drugs, potentially leading to hospital closures. However, these developments also promise the salvation of countless lives and the alleviation of untold suffering. The pivotal question remains: Is it preferable to prioritize job security or to mitigate suffering by providing essential training for alternative employment opportunities?

Consider exploring Wain Water or colloidal silver in any form. When appropriately administered in conjunction with other established natural remedies and nutrition, silver has demonstrated effectiveness in treating numerous diseases. I must exercise caution in my choice of words, as I have no desire to face prosecution, sudden disappearance, or untimely demise.




The 1930 Rife Cancer Cure

Let us delve into the remarkable contributions of Dr. Royal R. Rife, a luminary hailing from San Diego, California. Dr. Rife embarked on his pioneering research journey in 1920, slightly later than Dr. Koch. At the heart of his groundbreaking work was the invention of a microscope that diverged significantly from the state-of-the-art microscopes of his time.

While his initial microscopes possessed limited magnification capabilities, his most advanced model boasted an astonishing magnification power of 30,000. This achievement was profoundly groundbreaking, particularly given the well-established scientific understanding that non-electronic microscopes could not exceed a magnification of 2,500. According to prevailing optical theory, light waves could not be amplified beyond this threshold.

Electronic microscopes, though available, presented a unique challenge in the context of studying small viruses, as the light frequencies they employed were detrimental to these microscopic entities. Dr. Rife, however, developed his distinct theory of light microscopes, whose capabilities exceeded those of traditional counterparts. Notably, the microscopes constructed by Dr. Rife were of such exceptional quality that they remain in existence to this day. Each successive iteration of Rife’s microscopes exhibited enhanced magnification and visualization capabilities, ultimately enabling the detection of cancer viruses.

Dr. Rife’s microscopes harnessed a range of light sources with diverse frequencies. Utilizing the heterodyne principle, his microscopes facilitated the transformation of one frequency into another, a technique that had been in use within radio frequencies for some time and continues to be so. Dr. Rife ingeniously applied this principle to the realm of light frequencies. Despite enduring the destruction of his microscopes and the burning of his books and plans, numerous doctors relied on Rife’s microscopes for the identification and confirmation of cancer.

Having unveiled the cancer virus, Dr. Rife proceeded to develop a device capable of its effective elimination. His approach was both elegantly simple and grounded in scientific principles, centering on the concept of radio antennas. Essentially, each frequency corresponded to a specific length of metal that could be stimulated by an electrical current. This configuration allowed for the tuning of specific frequencies and the initiation of an electrical flow through a wire of the appropriate length. The effect of this current was lethal to the virus when it passed through it.

The University of Southern California administered a dedicated Research Committee to oversee Dr. Rife’s laboratory work until the late 1930s. Additionally, the head of the U.S.C. Medical Committee conducted follow-up clinics in 1935, 1936, and 1937 to validate Dr. Rife’s results. Independent physicians likewise employed machines identical to Rife’s, successfully treating up to 40 patients per day. Many practitioners continued this therapeutic approach for over two decades, yet the mounting pressure they faced became untenable. Upon the discovery of an operational machine, authorities either destroyed it or confiscated it as evidence.

Dr. Rife’s groundbreaking research into precise frequencies for various illnesses received widespread recognition and was published in various reputable sources, including scientific journals, medical publications, and the annual report of the Smithsonian Institution. Throughout the 1930s, thousands of patients experienced successful treatments until authorities intervened.

In a subsequent collaboration with engineer John Crane, their collective work was relocated to Crane’s laboratory. Tragically, during a government raid, all of their equipment and research were obliterated, and their books were reduced to ashes. Crane was apprehended. This event marked the commencement of sustained challenges and conflicts with authorities. In the absence of support from the University, Dr. Rife was compelled to terminate his groundbreaking work.

Today, Rife frequency generators are employed by numerous individuals worldwide. While not all of these generators accurately replicate Dr. Rife’s work, some have proven effective in treating cancer and other diseases. Dr. Rife’s pioneering microscopes continue to be used by a select few or have been faithfully reproduced.

The Concealment of Truth

How did these innovative treatments, poised to benefit humanity, become obscured from public awareness? Two primary factors emerge as central to this tragic narrative: greed and vested interests. There were scientists, well-known in their fields, whose theories and associations with pharmaceutical companies motivated them to protect the status quo, all driven by financial considerations.

Pharmaceuticals and Their Influence on Congress:

The influence of pharmaceutical companies within the corridors of Congress is undeniable. While hundreds of vital industries wield substantial lobbying power, the magnitude of financial resources deployed by pharmaceutical companies to shape legislation is nothing short of staggering. It is an unsettling reality that requires scrutiny.

Intriguingly, verifying the accuracy of these claims is well within reach. A wealth of documents and sources are available on the internet, offering insights into the individuals and issues discussed here. By conducting a simple online search, you can access a trove of information on FDA suppression, among other topics, which will direct you to original source materials.

The Ongoing FDA Denial

Despite the overwhelming evidence supporting these claims, the FDA consistently rebuffs these assertions and commands ample resources to bolster their counterarguments. Legal proceedings often center on technicalities rather than the core issues at hand, making it challenging to expose the shortcomings of prevailing medical technologies. It is indeed a source of frustration that the information presented here can be easily corroborated with modest research efforts, yet legal obfuscation often impedes its introduction in a court of law.

~ WR


FDA’s Involvement in Cancer Research

Considerable financial resources have been channeled into the quest for a cancer cure within the framework of the prevailing theory. For over a century, two foundational theories pertaining to cancer have coexisted, with one of these theories being actively suppressed. This suppression has led to devastating consequences, including the stifling of information, legal ramifications, and restricted scientific exploration. Curiously, numerous established cancer treatments are rooted in this second theory or related concepts, with documented instances where these treatments have successfully benefited thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of individuals.

To elucidate the distinction between the two theories of cancer in more accessible terms:

Reigning Cancer Theory

In accordance with the current theory, healthy cells undergo inexplicable transformations, giving rise to cancerous cells. Factors such as aging, dietary choices, genetics, or pre-existing medical conditions are believed to trigger these transformations. Despite the substantial investment of time and resources, progress in the treatment of cancer has been remarkably limited for over a century. While some scientists may debate this assertion, it remains an incontrovertible fact that, although chemotherapy has advanced since 1948, there is no substantive evidence supporting its capacity to enhance survival rates. This has led to a disconcerting situation where the same treatment methods have persisted for more than a century, with little substantive change, and an increasing percentage of cancer-related fatalities.

The Pleomorphism Cancer Theory

Conversely, the second theory, known as pleomorphism, faces significant prohibitions in its pursuit. One might naturally question whether the United States is a land of academic freedom and scientific exploration; however, this notion does not extend to researchers interested in investigating the pleomorphism theory of cancer. Funding for such research is elusive, and individuals attempting it are met with staunch resistance. Their colleagues often ostracize them, and government agencies, such as the FDA, FTC, and AMA, frequently impede their efforts. Remarkably, all successfully suppressed cancer treatments are rooted in this unconventional virus theory or akin concepts.

I strongly encourage you to refrain from taking my word at face value. Instead, undertake diligent internet research to unveil the hidden truth. Despite efforts to conceal it, evidence exists and is verifiable, awaiting discovery by the determined. We require more individuals well-versed in these facts, regardless of their technical background. I recommend a particular book as a starting point: “The Cancer Cure that Worked” by Barry Lynes and John Crane. This resource provides references and directs readers to official records available for examination.

Notable Developments in Cancer Treatment

B-flat Wain Water has garnered recognition from many for its purported effectiveness in cancer treatment. Colloidal silver, in its various forms, has been known for its ability to combat viruses and bacteria, a quality acknowledged for millennia. While we cannot definitively confirm its efficacy against cancerous cells, there have been documented instances of individuals with skin cancer, including melanoma, experiencing the drying and shedding of affected areas following its use. While it may not be a direct attack on cancer cells, it appears that the body’s healing processes are stimulated after the elimination of the virus. Certainty in this regard remains challenging to ascertain.

~ WR



Suppression by the FDA and Pharmaceutical Companies

The pharmaceutical industry is notorious for its relentless pursuit of financial gain, often disregarding ethical considerations. Its primary concern is safeguarding profits, with little regard for the potential harm or even loss of life. For over five decades, pharmaceutical companies have actively suppressed numerous breakthroughs in the realm of cancer, heart disease, and various other diseases. This suppression has been largely facilitated through the regulatory oversight of the FDA.

While this may initially appear incredulous, the veracity of these claims is unequivocal. These assertions are not up for debate; they are rooted in factual events. What follows is a factual account that can be corroborated by anyone, even a high school student.

The suppression of cancer and other disease cures has, over time, become more covert but remains substantiated. The FDA has relied on the public’s indifference and the seeming absurdity of its actions to perpetuate this charade.

FDA’s Involvement with Tryptophan

Another instance of FDA intervention involves the amino acid Tryptophan. This supplement, popularly available in health food stores throughout the United States, was widely utilized to improve sleep quality. Many found it effective, leading to numerous purchases as an alternative to prescription sleep aids. However, a tragic incident occurred in both the US and Japan, resulting in several deaths. Subsequent investigations revealed contamination in the Japanese-manufactured Tryptophan jars. Despite efforts to ensure purity at the manufacturing plant, Tryptophan was removed from shelves across the United States and never returned.

It is worth noting that American FDA agents had visited the Japanese Tryptophan plant prior to the distribution of impure jars. This raises questions about the inconsistency in FDA actions, given that hundreds of thousands of people die annually from prescription drugs, an issue that seems to be deemed acceptable.

The FDA’s Betrayal and Its Wider Impact

It is evident that the FDA’s actions have far-reaching consequences, affecting all Americans and resulting in suffering and loss of life. Additionally, the suppression of critical information regarding the treatment of various diseases impacts people globally. Regrettably, many individuals remain indifferent, believing that their efforts cannot bring about change. However, merely raising awareness among loved ones and acquaintances can shift this apathetic mindset and bring about transformation.

The DSHEA (The Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act) of 1994 may create an illusion of safeguarding consumer interests. However, recent developments indicate otherwise. The FDA is actively pursuing a new law that would require their approval for all supplements sold in the United States. They have openly stated their intention to curtail half of the supplement industry through this law. Remarkably, while prescription drugs account for approximately 970,000 deaths annually and there have been zero reported deaths attributed to supplements in the entire health food industry, the FDA remains resolute in restricting access to these products unless they grant approval. This is not a matter they take lightly, as they have committed to enforcing this law with utmost rigor. Regrettably, Congress, despite being aware of the potential harm, has acquiesced to this agenda, purportedly due to influence from vested interests. This issue is currently under discussion in both the House and Senate, with prospects of becoming law in 2010, as all members of Congress have thus far shown support.

In the context of the FDA’s suppression of cures, I will provide a few significant examples below. Should you desire to verify the accuracy of this information, I am prepared to offer the necessary resources. Please keep in mind that these are but a few illustrations among numerous cases, as the constraints of time and space limit our ability to cover them comprehensively.

~ WR