
Negative Ion Generators

The health benefits of negative ions are undeniable, and they are not hard to come by. You can get them at the beach near any great body of water, near jetties or waterfalls, in the mountains, forests, parks, near creeks and streams, which perfectly describes the Pacific Northwest, where I live. You may not be so lucky.

No problem. Take a barefoot stroll across the grass, and you are naturally attracting negative ions from the earth through your feet and distributing them all around your body. And if you’ve been visiting by an electrical storm, lightning releases an incredible amount of negative ions, so get out after a storm, any type of storm. It doesn’t have to be an electrical storm. Any storm that brings with it some wind and/or rain will be delivering a flood of negative ion activity. Get out there and breathe it in. There’s a good chance you can feel the negative ions as you breathe them in.

You can get negative ion generators for your home or office. In fact, you already have a negative ion generator in your home right now. It’s a natural component of your shower. Ever notice how you feel so much better after taking a hot shower? Of course, you do. You just took a shower in negative ions. Now you know why it wakes you up and makes you feel so alert and good.

Natural Home Negative Ion Generators

There are other things you can do to generate negative ions in your home. For instance, if you were to visit your local homeopathic practitioner or natural alternative specialist, he or she may tell you about things, like:

    • Himalayan Salt Lamps
    • Buring Bees Wax Candles
    • Sit in front of a burning fireplace
    • Have an indoor fountain or waterfall
    • Have amethyst or tourmaline crystals nearby or wear them and take them with you wherever you go
    • Growing plants indoors can also give off negative ions. The best ones are the spider plant, chrysanthemum, money plant, elephant ear philodendron, rubber plant, and weeping fig.

Modern Science Negative Ion Generators for Home and Office

The more we learn about negative ions and how they positively impact the human body, and we’ve been studying these things since the 1930s, the more we see products begin to appear in the marketplace to help us in our efforts to surround us with negative ions.

You might be surprised what you might find, just by looking for “negative ionizers for the home”. There are a multitude of them. Some are better than others, so you have to do your research. And don’t rely on the manufacturer’s reported statistics because in many cases they are overstated.

You will find things like

    • Handheld Fan Negative Ion Generator
    • High Voltage Negative Ion Generator
    • Ionic Air Purifier
    • Mini Air Ionizer
    • Mini Portable Negative Ion Generator
    • Mobile Air Ionizer
    • Negative Ion Air Purifier
    • Personal Negative Ion Air Purifier
    • Plasma Ion Generator
    • Plasma Negative Ion Generator
    • Plugin Negative Ionizer
    • Portable Air Ionizer
    • Rechargeable Personal Ion Generator
    • Silent Negative Ion Generator
    • USB Negative Ionizer
    • Wearable Negative Ion Generator
    • Wearable Negative Ion Air Purifier Necklace

Just to name a few. So, it stands to reason that there is little or excuse for grounding yourself and surrounding yourself in negative ions, whether you are the purest and must seek them out in nature or a techie and are fine with just plugging into them and bringing them to you, wherever you are.

Wasted Negative Ion Efforts

The caveat here is that you can place all these negative ion generators all over your home and office with the expectation that you might be able to enjoy the full effects of bathing in the ionic energy. If you are surrounded by positive ion generators, you may have to double or triple your efforts because negative ions will first seek to neutralize the positive ions within range, and you will get what’s left over.

What Are Positive Ion Generators?

Positive ion generators are mostly electronic devices that emit positive ions, which are quite responsible for our not feeling well. The most popular positive ion generators forum in the home and office are from devices such as cell phones, wireless routers, computers, printers, photocopiers, fluorescent lights, air conditioning, televisions, and toxic materials, such as carpeting, upholstery, paint, and airborne pollutants.

Keep this in mind when you are trying to get the best benefit from your negative ion generator efforts.

The best benefits will be gained from an environment free from positive ions.

Now, you can start to improve your health and neutralize the Electromagnetic Fields (EMFs) and positive ions that you are exposed to which are causing you to not be well on a daily basis. Negative ions increase your quality of life, boost your immune system, and enjoy better recovery, rest, relaxation, and sleep at night. Take your life back and enjoy it more by surrounding yourself with negative ions today.

Submitted by David M Masters



Earthing or Grounding

How can you protect yourself from being attacked by energy frequencies that have a negative effect, even promoting deterioration in your body, mind, and soul? If you could be stranded on an island in the middle of the ocean, without any electrically powered devices like televisions, phones, and computers, no fluorescent lighting, toxic textiles (carpeting, upholstery), unsafe paint, and/or air pollution, the sources of harmful energy frequencies (positive ions). Your island in the ocean is a powerful generator of natural energy that neutralizes harmful energy frequencies that you might be exposed to. So, living on an island, surrounded by beaches, is a good place to live if you want to battle the dangerous energy fields that you might otherwise be exposed to. Other great places that are positive energy generators are waterfalls, dense forests, and anywhere immediately following heavy rain and storms.

Earthing or Grounding

Another way to neutralize the effects of positive ions is by Earthing or Grounding. This is basically walking barefoot on the Earth, in the grass, on the sand, in the forest, on the dirt, anywhere that you are not separated by some unnatural insulator, like concrete, pavement, etc. When your bare feet contact the Earth in this manner negative ions flow up through your feet and through your whole body, just by making a sole connection to our planet.

This is why you feel so good when you kick off your shoes and walk around at a park or on the shore. It doesn’t take long, about 15 minutes, for the human body to be fully charged by negative ions. If you’re feeling off, or not well, you don’t have to be barefoot in the park all day, about fifteen minutes will be enough to keep you charged for the while day.

Your Body’s Ground

Your body is actually specifically designed to be grounded to the Earth. Not unlike electrically-powered devices that are designed for grounding which are manufactured with a separate wire for connecting to an electrical ground source, your body is premanufactured and equipped with a grounding gel in the Dermis layer of the skin. This grounding substance collects and stores negative ions for use throughout the day. It takes about 15 minutes to fully charge this grounding substance of the body. So, taking a 15 minute barefooted walk in the park or on the beach will last all day and even help you sleep more soundly at night.

What to Expect from Earthing or Grounding?

This therapeutic science 15-minute holistic activity of Earthing yields many health benefits, such as

  1. Reduces inflammation
    1. for those suffering from joint inflammation
    2. in a variety of health conditions
    3. nearly instant, noticeable results
  2. Decreases pain
    1. pain from injuries or wounds
    2. pain from illness or disease
    3. emotional pain
  3. Decreases stress response
    1. feel stress reduction quickly
    2. sustained stress relief throughout the day
    3. increases cognition
  4. Increases heart rate variability
    1. strengthens heart health
    2. alters breathing
    3. optimizes blood pressure
  5. Improves sleep
    1. sleep more soundly
    2. through the night
    3. increased REM
  6. Improves cortisol rhythm
    1. normalizing day/night rhythms
  7. Improves wound healing
    1. reduces discomfort associated with regeneration
    2. increases recovery rate
    3. increased blood cell activity
  8. Reduces blood viscosity
    1. oxygen transport and delivery
    2. increased blood flow and perfusion
    3. increased vasodilation

Earthing assists in relieving sleep disorders, such as, insomnia, restless legs syndrome, narcolepsy, sleep apnea, and helps reduce risk of sudden onset events, like heart attack and stroke, as well as chronic fatigue syndrome.

If you’re not feeling well, Earthing will help you to feel better, it will boost your digestion, and boost your natural immunity, and so much more.

How to Earth or Ground Yourself

Grounding yourself to the Earth requires a bare skin connection to the best negative ion charged source possible to charge the grounding gel that resides within the dermis later of your skin. Any bare skin surface will do, bare feet are the most convenient and therefore the most popular. No cheating, here, bare feet means bare feet. No socks, sandals, or flip flops. Just bare-naked feet on the Earth’s surface.

No insulation between your bare skin and the Earth. No carpet, AstroTurf, wood, concrete, asphalt, or other material separating you from the natural Earth.

What can you do if you live in a high-rise in the city? If you are finding it difficult to find some Earth to get grounded to, there is an alternative. You can get yourself a grounding mat (available on Amazon) that you can stand on with your bare feet for charging your grounding substance.

Submitted by David M Masters


Foods That Heal and Foods That Kill

Herb “Roi” Richards

By Dr. Herb “Roi” Richards, Ph. D.

The biggest problem in the world today is that over 3 million people die every year. Why do you think that is? If you ask the government center for disease control, they will tell you that most people die from heart disease, cancer, or Alzheimer’s. And if that’s not enough, they will tell you most of them today died from the deadly COVID virus. All lies.

The number one killer in the United States is the inclination of the average American to subscribe to a style of life that I call the “Get By Diet.”

Have you ever wondered why so many people are unhealthy in one way or another? There is a problem with our eating habits that have never been explained in a way everyone can understand it. I will use a simile so there is no miscommunication.

We all know that if you fill the gas tank on your regular car with diesel fuel your car will only run a few feet. If, on the other hand, because there is a gasoline shortage you put in 2 or 3 gallons of diesel fuel to fill your tank, your car will run, but just not as well.

In other words, you are running your car on “get-by fuel.”

Humans also require a special fuel to operate at full performance, but can run along for 50, 70, and sometimes even 100 years with arthritis, diabetes, cancer, etc. the results of living full-time on “get-by fuel.”

Sometime in the far past, we have almost all switched to “get-by fuel.” Maybe there was a natural disaster, ice age, etc. that caused human fuel to not be available for long enough (several generations) that people forgot what human fuel was?

Our human intellect has gotten in the way of rediscovering it as a civilization.

There have always been a few who have discovered foods that are healthy but only the inertia of habit, traditions, family recipes, and cookbooks seem to keep them from being widely known.

Science has proven that the great ape has almost the same physiology as humans.

You could set a picnic table with the finest rare prime rib, best pizza, greatest Mexican food, and a huge bowl of various kinds of fresh fruit in the center and the ape will ignore all of those special goodies and chow down on any and all of the fruit. The ape recognizes the correct fuel. Are we really the intelligent ones?

What can you do to just say, “No,” to the “Get-by food?”

The information on how to change over to true human fuel follows.

First, you must be able to wrap your head around the idea that living this life (what little of It most of us unknowingly subscribe to) is not a crapshoot and should not be taken for granted. The “taking life for granted” approach to life is the first mistake made by the average human. Doing so limits your quality of life and longevity.

Second, if you’re a human whose body is in a state of degeneration after the age of twenty-five or so, you have been trained to believe this is the natural course of life, that it’s Mother Nature’s way of making way for fresh generational stock. It is understood that as we age we are expected to lose energy and agility, and passion for living, as we expect to be victims of disease and death, with our highest expectation being to smoothly fall into lifelessness in our sleep. Most oi us fail to understand foods that are healthy eliminate disease and realize that there are foods that can kill you.

We’ve all believed this “get by diet” we’ve been on since birth is what we were supposed to eat. The idea that pizza, steak, and tater tots were not proper human fuel never even entered our minds. Lies: Taught about the 4 basic food groups in school have only reinforced our belief that we were using “human fuel” when we were not eating foods that are healthy.

That concentrated food diet we’ve been on almost since birth has caused all of our cells to store up waste materials that would never have existed if we ate the fuel we were designed to eat.

That stored-up waste material is what attracts the pathogens to us to picnic on our trash.

While they are eating our trash they in turn leave toxic waste in our body we call diseases.

So, there is no way we can be poisoned back to health by adding more toxic waste (drugs) to our body.

We can’t even go directly to our proper human food but must have a transition period called a “mild food diet” to slowly release stored waste from all of our cells.

I know, like most of you, I thought when we defecated and urinated, we dumped all the trash and that would be true if we ate a human diet. The “get by in tough times diet” we’ve been on makes several times too much waste for regular trash dumps. Following is what we can and can’t eat during this body cleanse period. It will take about a year to safely clear the trash out of the cells with various symptoms disappearing as we take the food away from the bacteria, viruses, etc. If we went straight to the “all fruit and nut diet” our body craves, too much poisonous trash will be dumped into our bloodstream and could kill us. So, that’s why the transitional mild food diet.

Mild Food Diet

List of the mild foods we can eat

  • Fruits and vegetables, all as nearly raw as possible
  • Fruit juices, raw, frozen, or canned
  • Vegetable juice, but it must be raw
  • ‘Natural food oils, not hydrogenated, heated, or messed with, simply natural and cold-pressed
  • Sprout, all alfalfa, beans, grain. Sprouting changes them to useable natural sugar that requires no body processing (a lot different from the factory-made sugar in packaged food)

List of all the concentrated foods we can’t eat

  • Unsprouted grain (all kinds)
  • Sugar or commercial sugar-containing foods
  • Dairy products
  • Butter
  • Eggs
  • Unsprouted legumes
  • Meat (all)
  • Peanuts, because they are actually not a nut but a legume
  • All junk food

Remember this – Bacteria & viruses are bottom feeders and would not even move into your body unless you have their favorite food stored in your cells (trash, waste material, poisons, etc.).

The great thing about the change over is that it will only take about a year for our bodies to drop all the brand-name diseases along with the parasites they attract that plague us on our “traditional” Get-by diet.

It’s entirely up to you! If you decide to stay on the concentrated factory-designed foods you were taught were proper since birth you have effectively signed up for all the diseases that go with that lifestyle.

If on the other hand, you decide to go through a few days of withdrawal as you change to nutritious mild foods and start to cleanse and rebuild your body in a year or less, most of the problems you’ve been told were genetic, etc. will only be memories.

As the year goes along, you can eat more and more fruit as you feel better and be fully on the human diet by the end of the year.

The cleaner your body gets, the less you will hunger for concentrated foods.

That has definitely been my experience as I changed to human food,

Any time you eat one of those concentrated foods your cleansing will be stopped and you will feel lethargic until the body can get rid of it. So, you are fully in charge of your health or the lack of it.

Isn’t free will neat?

Submitted by Dr. Herb Roi Richards


3 Steps to Get Rid of Cancer

Before I share the 3 steps to get rid of cancer let’s cover some details about cancer. First of all, cancer is nothing new. They’ve been digging up ancestors that go back thousands of years who following tests were discovered to have cancer. Most of them died with it and few of them died from it.

That being said, my purpose is not to diagnose or treat cancer or to offer you any medical advice. This is something that is personal between you and your doctor or between you and your maker or higher power. I only offer food for thought.

Where does cancer come from?

It comes from cells inside our body that go haywire and start waging their own war against the body from the inside out. Cancer is not a disease, a virus, or anything that can be tossed at you from outside yourself that you catch.

There are things that aggravate cancer within and cause it to wage this war. To do so, cancer requires resources to survive, thrive, and wage war.

Cancer cells are hungry for basically two things,

          1. Stress
          2. Toxins

These two ingredients combined are the perfect breeding ground for cancer.

As you may have noticed, we all are surrounded by these ingredients 24/7, so it’s no surprise that it is in close second place as the leading cause of death in the USA, as heart attack is number one, but not by far, cancer is spreading so rapidly, it could easily outrun heart attacks in the very near future.

Alternative methods of dealing with cancer are plentiful, but your doctor will insist that any of these are akin to “snake oil remedies” designed to fool you into forfeiting your cold hard-earned cash. Yet, people swear by many of them, and a Google search will turn up some 295 billion results.

Getting rid of cancer is not that hard if you have enough time to reverse the process. The less time you have, the more radical of an approach you will have to take.

Should you take chemo and radiation? That’s what your doctor will tell you to do, not just because it is so expensive (and therefore, profitable) but because that is how he was trained in medical school. Plenty of other people have gotten rid of cancer without chemo and radiation. I have been known to say that “you cannot poison yourself to health,” yet, according to the statistics, depending on where you find them, 2 to 14 percent of cancer victims are “cured” from cancer by taking chemotherapy and radiation treatment.

So, what can you do to get rid of cancer if you have it?

        1. Stop feeding the cancer toxins.

How do you do that? Change up what you put in your body.

            • Breathe clean air
            • Drink clean or purified water
            • Eat only non-toxic food
        1. Feed your body what it needs for optimal performance
            • Food designed for a human’s optimal performance
            • Not supermarket easily obtainable heavily processed food or fast food
        1. Create a healthy body state that does not support cancer growth
            • Live a stress-free lifestyle
            • Live in an alkaline-rich (high pH) body
            • Live in an oxygen-rich body environment

That’s it. In other words, making these three changes in your life,

1. Eliminate toxicity
2. Eat proper food
3. Live a mindful life

will get rid of your cancer if you have enough time.

Note that these are not weapons to battle cancer or anything else. You don’t need to fight for your life, just give your body the proper care, nourishment, and attention that it needs to live and thrive, then cancer can no longer live there. You get rid of cancer and you live on without it.

The 7 Keys to 3 Steps to Get Rid of Cancer

If you need help drilling down on these items, such as,

        1. What are sources of clean air?
        2. How do I drink pure water?
        3. How can I eat non-toxic food?
        4. What foods are designed for human optimal performance?
        5. How can I live stress-free?
        6. How do I increase alkalinity in my body?
        7. How can I live a mindful life?

I can help you do that.

If you have less time, if the cancer is running rampant and there is little time left to change your life, you will need to consider other, more aggressive, alternatives, and there are many of them to be found.

How to find the best one for you?

Find someone who was in the same position that you now find yourself in and ask them what they did to get rid of their cancer. Then, look for and ask someone else. Even though we are all human, each one of us is very unique, so what works for one person might not work for you, keep searching… you may find the right fit for you.

If you do not, well, 2 to 14% may be better than zero percent, but if it were me, I’d rather find a better way, avoiding the profitable poison therapy, which offers little hope, but admittedly some hope. And some hope is better than no hope.

Submitted by David M Masters


Articles Research

FDA and Vitamins

It is imperative to acknowledge the compelling data I am about to present, despite the unfortunate tendency of the majority to overlook it. Moreover, it is of utmost concern that a significant portion of experts within the FDA have financial affiliations with pharmaceutical corporations. One might reasonably expect this to contravene the principles of public policy, yet it appears that they retain the right to engage in concurrent employment, even when it proves to be counterproductive. For those desiring further insight, I recommend reading “Deadly Medicine” by Thomas Moore, which delves into this issue in depth.

FDA and Its Stance on Vitamins

In the year 1992, the FDA embarked on a campaign aimed at restricting the over-the-counter purchase of vitamins, mandating a doctor’s prescription for such purchases. Despite the expenditure of considerable taxpayer funds, these endeavors not only failed to achieve their objectives but also had unintended consequences. A significant portion of the American populace perceived these actions as encroachments on their personal liberties, leading them to express their dissent by contacting their respective congressional representatives. In August of 1994, Congress made an attempt to solidify these restrictions into law. However, what unfolded was the unanimous passage of legislation by both houses of Congress and its subsequent presidential endorsement. This occurrence serves as a testament to the power of collective action when American citizens unite. All the pertinent events surrounding this issue are thoroughly documented within the public record.

The Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act of 1994 (DSHEA) was enacted to ensure unhindered public access to vitamins and other essential nutrients, alongside the provision of educational resources regarding these substances. This legislative intervention was deemed necessary due to the active efforts of pharmaceutical entities aimed at suppressing information regarding the health benefits of vitamins. In certain instances, these corporations even sought to prevent the publication of relevant literature on this subject, demonstrating the inadequacy of existing constitutional safeguards. We can now find reassurance in the presence of this legal framework, which protects our interests.

Nonetheless, it became apparent that the pharmaceutical industry’s efforts were far from quelled. These companies united to establish an international cartel and initiated a global movement to curb the dissemination of information pertaining to the health advantages of vitamins, minerals, and other natural substances. This movement was introduced under the pretext of consumer protection, as promoted by the United Nations Food Standards Commission. Their ultimate objective was to coerce industrialized nations, as well as the global community at large, into adopting a system where vitamins could solely be obtained through prescription medication. As part of this strategy, proposals for trade sanctions were presented against nations unwilling to comply with this United Nations General Assembly resolution.

In the year 1997, the central player in the pharmaceutical vitamin industry was the German government, renowned for its historical prominence in pharmaceutical exports. Nevertheless, their designs were thwarted by Dr. Matthias Rath, who delivered a groundbreaking address in Chemnitz on June 22nd of that year. Dr. Rath exposed the motives behind the cartel’s actions, directly linking them to pharmaceutical companies that had profited from World War II and the Holocaust. Thanks to this impactful discourse and numerous protest letters, this initiative became so controversial that it failed to secure presentation at the UN General Assembly.

Furthermore, on May 20, 1999, it was unveiled that multinational pharmaceutical corporations had colluded to form a “Vitamin Cartel” with the intent of controlling raw vitamin and material prices. This manipulation allowed them to deceive millions of people worldwide and amass over 100 billion dollars. Despite the magnitude of their misconduct, the punitive measures imposed amounted to a mere one billion dollars. To contextualize this, the U.S. Justice Department categorized this as the most extensive illegal cartel ever discovered, highlighting the inconsequential nature of their penalty relative to the enormous sums they wrongfully acquired from people globally.

~ WR


Reprogram Your DNA via Meditation

Your basic DNA is naturally inherited from your parents, but you do not have to be the victim of your parent’s DNA. You can reprogram your DNA by many methods, but one of the easiest ways to reprogram your DNA is by meditating.

Reprogram Your DNA via Meditation

Meditation is known to extend life, but it also alters your DNA in a positive way for greater quality of life and longevity. It is the type of process that can affect future generations, and the most inexpensive method of reprogramming your DNA (it is free) is growing in America today.

The regular practice of meditation extends the telomeres at the end of the DNA strands which is a huge determinant of one’s lifespan.

If both of your parents were regular meditators, they have passed the health benefits and markers for living a longer life onto you by way of their DNA. Likewise, if you have meditated regularly for seven years prior to conception, you will pass these genes onto your unborn child.

Meditative practices also counteract the aging process by rejuvenating and preventing the deterioration of human cells in aging individuals. Meditating every day is like taking a dip in the fountain of youth.

There are many forms of meditation and the practice is referred to in many ways. You might call it prayer, quiet focused attention, introspection, reflection, deep thought, or no thought.

It doesn’t take long, just a few minutes a day in the beginning and the end of the day are enough to start reprogramming your DNA.

I recommend and use the Sending Love to the World guided meditation because it not only aligns me and reprograms my DNA but it also sends positive love energy to my family, friends, my community, the state where I live, the whole country, and abroad to make the world a better place.

You can find my Sending Love to the World meditation online or at

There are so many ways to enter into a meditative state. You must find the one(s) that resonate with you best.

There you go. In just a few minutes together, you have learned three secrets to reprogram your DNA (1. Stress Response, 2. Calorie Restriction, and 3. Meditation) for, well, maybe not immortality because that is a different subject and would take much longer to tackle. But these three secret techniques can increase the life you have left by 30%, just like that.

This is my basic formula for living a long life and being able to pass this work on to future generations, either informationally by spreading the word, or genetically if you are fortunate to start early enough in life.

So, here’s to you, and your new extended life. You don’t have to stop here, keep going, expand your knowledgebase, to extend your life even more.

If you are interested, you might like to enroll in the Immortality Life Extension Masterclass at St. Paul’s Free University, or any other course of study that will help you to continue this process, setting you free from the aging process that plagues your family and peers.

 Submitted by David M Masters



Reprogram Your DNA via Calorie Restriction

There are a great many ways you can take charge of and reprogram your DNA for longevity. Yes, you can experience life extension and live a longer, happier life by initiating a bit of calorie restriction.

If you can dial back your daily calorie intake you can enjoy a longer life. You can increase the remainder of your lifespan by 30% by eating one meal every three days. Let’s take a look at calorie restriction for life expansion.

Reprogram Your DNA via Calorie Restriction

You might be surprised to discover that calorie restriction is also a key to longevity, but it is true, and it is not that much different from the stress response. By restricting your calorie intake daily, you induce a bit of stress on your biological system and it responds by calling on the other body’s resources to survive.

Over time, as your DNA is reprogrammed to genetically respond to your calorie restriction, your body grows ever stronger… and is equipped to live even longer.

This reaction strengthens your immune system and reduces the otherwise normal deterioration of your biological system by harnessing the quantity of your diet each day.

You may have had some experience with counting calories in some fashion of diet control in the past. If you already have experience with that skillset, use it to you your advantage now.

Intermittent Fasting

I know, the idea of intermittent casting sounds counter-intuitive, especially since as far back as you remember you have been programmed to believe that three meals per day were necessary for basic survival.

This is one of those things that you will have to research for yourself and decide if you want to take action or let this opportunity for reprogramming your DNA for a longer life pass you by.

Intermittent fasting can be as simple as skipping one meal every day.

Skip 1 Meal a Day

The best results appear to come from skipping the evening meal. This places more time between dinner (supper) and breakfast in the morning, it also increases the body’s nighttime rejuvenation process by reducing the drain of digestion during sleep.

This may be the easiest way to reduce caloric intake and reprogram your DNA by skipping a meal, and there are so many other youth-revigorating benefits from skipping the evening meal, this could be the best key to unlocking the fountain of youth.

Eat Once Every 3 Days

Many youth seekers and life extenders are raising the bar or intermittent fasting so high, so as to eat only one meal every three days. At first, this may seem like it is incredibly unsound, but if you think about it, our ancestors, when they lived to be hundreds of years old, food was not readily available throughout the year, and some sources of protein were few and far between.

So, to survive, they would only eat once every three days, and they lived incredibly long lives; hundreds of years. Doe this today and you could reprogram your DNA and increase the remainder of your life by 30% in years.

Of course, the food that we eat today is devoid of the classic vitamins, minerals, and proteins, so if you are considering any form of intermittent fasting, it is imperative that you use supplements to assure that you are getting the proper nutrients.

As in all things, managing your diet is on you. It is up to you to decide what kind of caloric restriction(s) you will impose upon yourself. For me, I am quite content by cutting what I had previously considered my normal intake of food in half.

Submitted by David M Masters



Reprogram Your DNA via Stress Response

In my investigation about what to put in my body, I have decided to disregard what the FDA and the doctor tell me, though I do take their input under advisement, so as to not throw the baby out with the bathwater, the buck stops here. I make my own decisions about what goes into my body.

You have to decide what is right for you. God blesses you for what you do and you can tweak your process as you go along. It only gets increasingly better.

When you are exposed to any stressful situation or environment, even on a microscopic level, the body exercises its regeneration process, which empowers your physiology to grow and expand to strive to survive and thrive longer. It is as if

What doesn’t kill you makes you live longer

Secret #1 Stress Response

And you say, “Now, waitaminit Masters, you mean to tell me that I should intentionally put myself in stressful situations, to extend my life?”

As unglamorous as it sounds, this is part of the key to a longer, more meaningful, and incredibly fulfilling life. Though it is not just your exposure to potentially stressful or even life-threatening situations that increase your lifespan. No, it’s the way you respond to these challenges that unlock the vault which holds all the energy, vitality, and long life you could possibly want.

Your stress response is the part of your DNA reprogramming that is changed by the way that you live.

It is not enough just to meet your challenges head-on. If you encounter something big and it initiates your fight or flight method of self-protection, you are headed down the default path of your DNA. To change your DNA you need to change the way you respond to stressors from life circumstances, down to the smallest molecules that make up the various components of your biology.

No doubt, fight or flight will buy you another day. This translates to what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger, but if you want to live longer, living out a completely different approach to any type of stress or crisis with honorable lovingkindness? This is what reprograms your DNA bit by bit.

Instead of reacting to conflict defensively, respond with love and acceptance. Find ways to see life from a greater sense of perspective. See all things as sacred and divine, even conflict, or scenarios that are undesirable.

Approaching life with a firm sense of peaceful resolve, seeing the balance of all the universe being held in perfect harmony, even in its most minute and intimate details, not only reprograms your DNA but is the path to immortality.

Every time you practice this reverence for humanity and all life, you are reprogramming your life for longer life.

 Submitted by David M Masters



You Can Reprogram Your DNA

In the seven years, I was a part of the DNA project, I learned a great deal, that what we put in our bodies, and how we live, affects and changes our DNA, and we pass this onto our children.

In the meantime, we can start reprogramming our DNA for maximizing each and every day for the rest of our lives, and the possibilities for changing your DNA for increasing your longevity and vitality are vast and nearly endless.

What? Your dad died of an aneurism at age 54, and your mom died of heart failure at 72? Do you think that determines your lifespan?

Trauma and its effects on the human body can visit future generations via the DNA, so you have inherited multigenerational trauma from your biological parents, and so much more. You might have been able to blame your parents before today, but from this day forward, no more.

You can control your genetic predisposition to allergies, addictive behavior, or depression, and maladies such as obesity, diabetes, failing gut health, heart disease, Alzheimer’s disease, and cancer, just to name a few.

Prepare to let go of all that DNA and psychological programming, right now, because you are taking back your life, right down to the DNA, today, right now.

Reprogramming Your DNA

From this point forward, your life will never be the same. You could pretend that you did not have this information, but once you have had access to it, you can never make it go away. You can deny it, and pretend you never had access to it, but the future, your future, and the future of generations is now in your hands because now you know that even if you do nothing, you are programming your DNA. By default, if you do nothing to reprogram it, then the world around you will continue to do all the programming for you.

Now, you can start to initiate and run psychological and physiological routines to run in the background that will do the heavy lifting of reprogramming your DNA. Together, you and I can start reprogramming our DNA for greater health, including resistance to disease which may have plagued our parents or ancestors.

If you choose to do so, you can join me and others as self-engineering DNA re-programmers.

7 to 14-year Commitment

Reprogramming your DNA does not happen overnight. It will take 7 years to reprogram the first pass through your entire DNA. The next 7 years reinforce and solidify the changes you’ve made. So, this is a 14-year commitment to making it through this process.

I know, everyone is like, what if I miss a day?

It’s like, there you go, already setting yourself up for failure, but know that missing a day is going to have little or no effect on your DNA. Even if you completely bail out of your DNA reprogramming project, you will still enjoy the benefits of going as far as you have. Of course, the changes you have made to your DNA while engaged in the process will fade over time, as your DNA reverts to its prior state. But for more permanent results, you will need to be prepared for this 14-year span for maximum and long-standing benefits.

Vitamins, Minerals, and Proteins

It’s no secret that before you get started in the reprogramming of your DNA, that you will need the basic raw materials to do the work and be able to sustain the process over time. The minimal requirement for your body to do this work is to have all the vitamins, minerals, and proteins that your physiology needs to do this sacred work.

It’s also no secret that the food which most of us have access do not have the proper nutrients to supply our bodies with the vitamins, minerals, and proteins that we need to get the job done. So, we are going to have to find ways to supplement to help make up the difference and give us the edge that we need to start tweaking our DNA positively.

I cannot tell you what to take, or where to get it. But I know that we have resources and access to supplements in this day and age that we haven’t had access to since the days when our ancestors lived off the land, and they are much easier to get ahold of today.

It’s up to you to figure out what sources and proportions of vitamins, minerals, and proteins that your body needs. And know this: Your body and your DNA will respond as you are blessed by the energies of all that is because you are reclaiming your life in a way that is sacred and true to you.



Reprogram Your DNA

only one percent of your DNA is hard-coded, and you can actually change your DNA, you can, by how you live your life, and through diet and exercise. What? I can change my own DNA? Yes, you can.

This is far from the idea that we are all victims of our DNA, we are not really allowed to live an authentic life of our own because our parents cursed us with their DNA, so we are limited to the kind of life we inherited from those who gave birth to us and little more.

Already, in 2020, and easily attributable to the COVID-19 pandemic, our DNA is changing, due to less traffic on the highways and the increase in telecommuting and working from home, it is affecting our DNA. Will it change forever, or revert to its original state as it existed prior to the coronavirus? This remains to be seen.

But you are not far from proactively changing your DNA from here on out, to live the longest life possible.

Personally increasing your life expectancy is not for everyone. Most people are just tired and look to death as a welcomed reprieve from stress and strain that comes from daily life which can be an ongoing struggle for survival.

But for a growing segment of our population, daily life is cherished. Each and every moment is an incredible blessing, and many of us have a life calling, a passionately empowered purpose that beckons us to prolong our existence, thereby increasing our efficacy in the world. If this is you, increasing your life expectancy is an important component of achieving your highest and best.

I was part of a seven-year-long experiment group in human DNA alteration project by introducing different substances into the diet of participants and charting the changes in DNA over time. We are changing our DNA all day long, and we can thank our parents for pre-determining what we will start off with, within our own DNA, as well as their parents before them, and on and on, right back to our earliest origins. Every generation passes on a new set of genes to start off with.

Now I don’t have to tell you that the world we live in today, has been tweaking our DNA every day for a hundred years without our permission. Now, not only me, but many of us in the world are starting to take responsibility for our own DNA, and the crap DNA we inherited from the last four to five generations, it’s gotta go, and we’re are taking back our genome.

For most of us, we have not known about self-engineering our DNA early enough in our lives to benefit our children directly. But our children can start reprogramming their own DNA at any point in time, possibly earlier than we did, so that they can give the next generation its best start possible.

I wish I knew then when Mary and I were bringing our children into the world what I know today, I would have liked to have taken a more proactive approach to download premium DNA strands made with love and the best intentions which would have been passed onto future generations, but that wasn’t anywhere on my radar back in those days.

So, Mary and I bundled up our DNA and this was our gift to our children. Knowing what I know now, we could have done better, but we didn’t have this knowledge when we were passing on our genes to our offspring. We, like the rest of us, were just doing the best we could with what we had at the time.

Submitted by David M Masters