
How to Make Your Foods, Water, and Air Safer for Your Health

The human body needs three main things to survive: food, water, and air. The cleaner these are, the healthier we’ll be. Sadly, the food we eat, the water we drink, and even the air we breathe can be full of harmful chemicals and toxins. But don’t worry; there are simple steps you can take to make them better for your health.

Food: Getting Rid of Toxins and Pesticides

Many of the fruits and vegetables we buy are covered in pesticides, toxins, and even tiny parasites. These harmful things can make us sick if we don’t clean our food properly. One easy and effective way to clean your produce is to use a chlorine dioxide solution, easily created by using a chlorine dioxide water purification drops two-part kit.

Here’s how you can do it:

Materials Needed:

  • Chlorine dioxide water purification drops two-part kit
  • Clean, dry glass
  • 1 gallon (4 liters) of water
  • Large bowl or container

Steps for Cleaning Fruits and Vegetables:

  1. Prepare the Solution: Mix 9 drops of chlorine dioxide Part 1 with 9 drops of the Part 2 activator in a clean glass and let it activate for 30 seconds.
  2. Dilute the Solution: Add the chlorine dioxide mixture to 1 gallon of water in a large bowl. Stir gently.
  3. Rinse the Produce: Put your fruits and vegetables into the solution. Make sure all surfaces are in contact with the liquid.
  4. Soak: Let the produce soak for 1 minute.
  5. Rinse Well: After soaking, rinse the fruits and vegetables with clean water.
  6. Prepare for Eating: Your fruits and veggies are now safe to eat or cook.

This process kills harmful bacteria, viruses, parasites, mold, and pesticides in your food, ensuring a safer and healthier meal.

Even if you grow your own food, cleaning your crops is still a good idea. Despite all the care and love you put into growing them, the plants can still be exposed to bugs, larvae, and toxins from the earth, air, and rainwater.

A Warning About Pesticides

Some people use artificial pesticides on their crops. These chemicals don’t just wash off; they are absorbed into the plants. If the label on the pesticide says “Not for human consumption” or “Dangerous if swallowed,” why would we eat food that has absorbed it? It’s no wonder that we see more health problems today.

As a natural alternative, chlorine dioxide can help safely remove these pathogens and toxins.

Cleaning Meat and Eggs

Meat and eggs can also carry parasites and toxins. Soak meat in a chlorine dioxide solution for twice as long as you would soak fruits and vegetables. Do not cross-contaminate by using the same solution for different types of produce or meat. Always make a fresh batch of the solution for each variety.

Do not save to reuse chlorine dioxide rinse solution, as its power is used up, it dissipates within 20 minutes or so, and it is reduced to useless saltwater after that.

Water: Purifying for Safe Drinking

Clean water is essential for good health. City water is likely to contain added chemicals, and even well or spring water can sometimes be contaminated. Chlorine dioxide is a great way to purify your water.

How to Purify Water with Chlorine Dioxide:

Follow the instructions on your chlorine dioxide drops for drinking water on the spot. You can also store water using unactivated chlorine dioxide (Part 1, sodium chlorite).

Materials Needed:

  • Unactivated chlorine dioxide (Part 1 sodium chlorite)
  • Clean, sealable containers
  • 1 gallon of water

Steps for Water Storage:

  1. Prepare the Solution: Add 2 drops of unactivated chlorine dioxide (Part 1) to 1 gallon of water and let it sit for 24 hours.
  2. Seal the Container: Ensure the container is tightly sealed to keep the water fresh.
  3. For More Water: Add one drop of unactivated chlorine dioxide for each additional gallon of water.

Stored this way, your water will stay fresh and free of foul odors for a long time.

Air: Breathing Fresh and Clean Air

Breathing clean air is as important as eating clean food and drinking clean water. Unfortunately, air pollution is a common problem, especially in cities. If you are lucky enough to live in the country, surrounded by acres of trees that provide you and yours with fresh oxygen, then you have the best environment possible for breathing clean air. The trees act as natural air purifiers, giving you clean air.

If you live in a city or a place with poor air quality, it’s best to avoid areas with heavy pollution. Some people also use oxygen machines at home to help improve the air quality they breathe while sleeping or relaxing. However, nothing beats the fresh air from nature.

Do the Best You Can

The human body is incredibly strong and can handle many harmful substances, but it’s always better to avoid toxins when possible. You can take the necessary steps toward better health by cleaning your food with chlorine dioxide, purifying your water, and avoiding polluted air. You may not be able to control everything, but every small step toward a cleaner, healthier lifestyle can make a big difference. Do the best you can with what you have, and your body will thank you.


Articles Research

The Holistic Approach to Healing the Root in Our Toxic World

Amid our modern medical establishment, the understanding of disease and healing often gets lost in a cycle of symptom treatment. The mainstream approach, especially in Western medicine, isolates symptoms, classifies them as “diseases,” and prescribes treatments that focus on managing rather than resolving the core issues. However, many natural health practitioners see things differently. I’m not here to claim that all physical ailments can be resolved through nutrition alone. But in my experience, addressing the root causes of discomfort or disease, particularly with sound nutritional practices, offers profound results.

I am not suggesting, as Abraham Maslow once said, “If the only tool you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail.” Instead, I propose that most disorders, malfunctions, or infirmities often labeled as diseases are, at their core, the result of malnutrition. The quality of our modern-day food is so depleted that even fruits and vegetables, once pillars of health, are no longer as nutrient-rich as they were fifty or a hundred years ago. The natural vitality of these foods has been drained by over-farming, synthetic enhancements, and chemical pesticides, while their toxic load has increased.

A Toxic Environment

It’s not just the food that’s problematic. The air we breathe and the water we drink are also laden with toxins. From microscopic parasites to viral transmitters, from pesticides to hormonal disruptors, our environment is full of hazards contributing to the increasing disease rates. Is it any wonder that health issues are so widespread?

In this toxic world, American medicine continues to treat disease by focusing on symptoms. Specific symptom clusters define diseases, and those clusters are given a name. If you fit into that box, you’re given a standardized treatment, often relying on pharmaceuticals to manage the issue. However, this approach fails to recognize that each symptom is the body’s unique way of communicating an underlying imbalance or problem. It’s like hearing a fire alarm and simply turning off the alarm rather than finding the fire.

The Holistic Difference

Holistic practitioners, however, take a different approach. They see symptoms as clues, each pointing to a deeper issue that needs to be addressed. Rather than treating symptoms in isolation, they look for the root cause of the disease. Success comes not from merely masking discomfort but from realigning the body and restoring its natural harmony. When this is achieved, true freedom from disease is the reward.

Take cancer, for instance. In our society, the mere mention of the word strikes fear into the hearts of many. Yet cancer is, at its core, a symptom, an indicator that something deeper is amiss. The body is waving a red flag, signaling that cells are malfunctioning due to an underlying issue. For a holistic doctor or natural alternative specialist, cancer is not something to fear but something to investigate further. What’s causing the body to behave this way? What has disrupted its natural balance?

Treat the underlying issue, and the cancer can dissolve. The cells can begin to behave normally again. However, the conventional approach to cancer treatment is quite different. The disease is often prolonged with treatments designed to manage symptoms rather than address the cause, resulting in an “incurable cancer industry” that grows in both size and cost year after year. In 2023 alone, the cancer treatment industry reached a staggering $223 billion, with projections indicating it will rise to $409 billion by 2028.

When you follow the money, you often find the true root cause of the afflictions that seem to plague modern society and do not originate inside the body. The money leads back to the medical industrial complex and those who run it. This offers some clues as to the true origins, motivation, and monetary interests.

Finding the Root Cause

Finding the root cause of a disease can be a complex, detective-like process. It’s not always as simple as applying a treatment to the area of discomfort. Blockages, past injuries, and even emotional trauma can interfere with the healing process.

Sometimes, the body holds onto past traumas or injuries, and true healing cannot occur until we acknowledge and treat the original cause. We must address the current symptoms and the hidden roots that may extend far into our past.

The Path to Health and Longevity

Living a healthy, long, and vibrant life today might seem elusive when our food, water, and air are saturated with toxins. It’s easy to feel hopeless. But there is hope—though it requires dedication, self-respect, and the willingness to carve your own path, often going against the grain of modern societal norms.

This means becoming mindful about what you put into your body and being vigilant about your food sources. Organic and nutrient-dense foods can still be found, though they may not be the most convenient or the cheapest options. It means drinking clean, filtered water and finding ways to reduce exposure to environmental toxins. And it means listening to your body’s symptoms as messages rather than nuisances.

True healing requires courage—courage to question the status quo, explore holistic alternatives, and take control of your health journey. While the road to health in a toxic world is not easy, it is worth traveling. By addressing the root causes of disease, nourishing the body with natural foods, and creating a toxic-free environment, you can unlock your body’s incredible capacity to heal itself and enjoy a life of vitality and freedom from disease.

In a world where quick fixes and symptom management dominate the healthcare landscape, the holistic approach stands out as a path that leads to true healing. At its core, disease is often the body’s cry for help—a signal that something deeper is amiss. We can achieve lasting health and vitality by addressing the root causes, realigning the body, and embracing a lifestyle that prioritizes natural nourishment and detoxification. And while it may require greater personal responsibility and courage, the reward—a life free from the clutches of chronic illness—is well worth the effort.