Articles Research

A History of Heart Attacks and Medicine

The first heart attack was recorded in 1896. Not long after, John D. Rockefeller Sr. and Andrew Carnegie took control of many medical colleges in the USA. Using the influential Abraham Flexner Report of 1910, they closed down most of the 160 medical schools, leaving only 66 that agreed to new rules supporting the growing petrochemical industry. This industry saw the potential for making pharmaceutical drugs from oil.

Because of this, we lost 94 medical schools that did not want to follow the new petrochemical pharmaceutical trend. Since then, many new diseases have emerged that did not exist before 1910.

The Rise of New Diseases

Our modern supply system has contributed to the rise of new diseases. We are constantly exposed to bacteria, fungi, viruses, and parasites. These are the main factors behind these new diseases. If you eat food, use self-care products, drink water, wear clothes, bathe, walk barefoot, or breathe the air, your body gets contaminated by these harmful substances.

No wonder so many people are sick!

Taking Action to Reduce Disease

Thankfully, there are things you can do to reduce your risk of disease. Limiting exposure to specific pathogens and cleansing your body of parasites can help keep these invaders at bay.

1 Stop Drinking Tap Water

One of the first things you can do is stop drinking tap water. While it is better than drinking raw sewage, it is still unsafe. Municipal chlorinated water is free from most pathogens, but not all, and the chlorine itself can cause bladder and rectal cancer.

Find a reliable new source for your drinking water, and be careful when buying bottled water, as it is often just bottled municipal water. Distilled water is best.

2 Get Pesticide-Free

Living a pesticide-free lifestyle might seem impossible, but you can change to reduce your pesticide exposure.

To reduce your exposure to pesticides in the current food supply, consider these steps:

  • Buy Organic Produce: Opt for organic fruits and vegetables whenever possible. Organic farming practices typically minimize pesticide use1.
  • Thoroughly Wash All Produce: Even if it’s organic, rinse your fruits and veggies using water purification drops. This helps remove surface residues.
  • Grow Your Vegetables: Consider growing your produce if you have the space and inclination. You’ll have control over what goes into your food.
  • Peel Vegetables or Remove Outer Layers: Peeling or trimming outer leaves can reduce pesticide exposure, especially for items like apples and cucumbers.
  • Trim Visible Fat from Meats: Pesticide residues are often fat-soluble, so trimming fat from meats can help.
  • Cook Meat and Chicken Thoroughly: Proper cooking can further reduce pesticide residues.

3. Avoid Toxic Skin Treatments

Many skin care products created in petrochemical labs offer temporary results but cause long-term health damage. Avoid toxic skin offenders like air pollution, excessive sunlight, X-rays, alcohol, and cigarettes.

If you have already exposed yourself to these toxins, stop the exposure and start taking antioxidants. With the right raw materials, your body can regenerate and replace damaged skin cells over time.

4. Stay Cancer-Free

To stay cancer-free, stop exposing yourself to cancer-causing substances, infuse your body with natural cancer-preventive ingredients, and eliminate early signs of cancer.

In the 1800s, it was believed that parasitic worms caused cancer. Treating cancer patients for parasitic worms often eliminates the tumor.

5. Build a Strong Immune System

Modern medications have weakened our natural immunity. Rebuilding your immune system is one of the most important things you can do for your health and longevity. Some supplements to consider are Vitamin A, Vitamin E, Zinc, and Selenium.

6. Get Arthritis-Free

Being arthritis-free might seem impossible for those with the condition, but it can be done. Modern medicine suggests inflammation is the cause of arthritis, but the root cause might be parasites and their waste. Treating arthritis with pain relievers only worsens matters as the parasites grow.

Try an 1800s-style parasitic cleanse and deworming.

7. Be Happy

The best thing you can do for your mind, body, and immune system is to stay happy and resist stressful situations. If you feel stressed or depressed, do something to change your mood. Listen to your favorite happy song and dance, watch a comedy, or have something funny on your phone for immediate access. Staying happy can ward off the effects of stress and depression that prematurely age you.

By making these changes, you can reduce exposure to harmful substances and improve your overall health. It’s time to take control of your well-being and explore natural alternatives for a healthier life.