
Pharmaceuticals vs Herbal Remedies

The third-largest cause of death in the USA is medicine and medical practitioners, in the shadow of heart disease and cancer, and if the truth were known, the medical and pharmaceutical sciences and the practitioners thereof would be revealed as the number one cause of death.

Not all pharmaceuticals are good for you. In fact, many are killing unwitting Americans while medical doctors and staff collude with and assist the industry to extract as much capital as possible from your estate (or subsidized medical resources) before your pulse finally stops.

Many legally prescribed medications have a dark side and are far more dangerous than the pharmaceutical companies would like you to know. Some of these could include benzodiazepines (Klonopin, Valium, Xanax). Then there are the anticoagulants (Heparin, Warfarin, Xarelto).

Other potentially dangerous prescription medications include antidepressants (Cymbalta, Prozac, Wellbutrin, Zoloft), and patented anti-hypertensives (Cardura, Hytrin, Minipress). Clozapine is an antipsychotic medication used to treat schizophrenia, not to forget Semi-Synthetic Opioids (OxyContin, Percocet, Vicodin) which are generally used to treat moderate to severe pain.

Thanks to lawsuits against the pharmaceutical companies, we now know that they are so committed to profiting greatly off an insignificant public that they will falsify and create medical studies and pay doctors to put their name(s) on the studies to get them published, in many cases with the full knowledge that their new drug(s) have potentially deadly side effects.

A many as 10 percent of all published reports regarding new drugs are written by the drug manufacturers who pay doctor(s) to use their names on the reports, when the doctors named had little or nothing to do with the study.

More than 60% of all academic studies are financed by the drug manufacturers, who have been known to alter the data prior to submitting the results.

The most prominent example of the insatiable greed of Big Pharma is Merck’s Vioxx debacle, where they were likely responsible for the deaths of 500,000 Americans over the age of 65, but gladly paid 4.85 billion dollars for killing 3,468 seniors, after enjoying a 5-year run of selling the aspirin replacement that caused heart attacks and strokes.

Having to pay a negotiable percentage of the revenue from the lethal painkiller seems like a small price to pay, an acceptable cost of doing business in the pharmaceutical industry where you take the good with the bad and still come out on top.

Other “legal” drugs that suffered a fate similar to Vioxx include Risperdal, Seroquel, Zyprexa, and Hormone Replacement Therapy, among others, which makes you wonder about the other medications that we see promoted on TV and in the media with the laundry list of side effects that may include death in some people (a possible side effect of manufacturing patented prescription medications).

If that’s not enough, there are other prescription medications, like the statin family available under the names of atorvastatin (Lipitor), fluvastatin (Lescol XL), lovastatin (Altoprev), pitavastatin (Livalo), pravastatin (Pravachol), rosuvastatin (Crestor, Ezallor) and simvastatin (Zocor, FloLipid), which tout efficacy in the lowering of cholesterol and preventing heart attacks, but the side effects can cause crippling muscle pain, type 2 diabetes, memory loss, confusion, or rhabdomyolysis leading to liver damage, kidney failure and death. Stop taking the statins, and the side effects fade away.

Before the advent of all this medical profiteering, we tended to our needs using natural substances from Mother Earth. These primitive methods of healing were all placed here with us, to help alleviate pain and heal us, her inhabitants, from every ailment.

They are so effective that Big Pharma models their patented medications after them, like aspirin. Aspirin was fashioned after a pain-relieving compound found in the bark of a willow tree.

Granted, natural remedies have also seen their share of darkness as “snake oil salesmen” used to promise the miraculous healing capabilities of herbal substances for money.

Nonetheless, there are some herbal remedies which have eared their right to compete with the most high-tech patented pharmaceuticals. One such herb is the most prescribed medication in Germany, Ginkgo Biloba for its supremacy in improving memory and other cognitive functions, in the USA, Ginkgo is not as well respected among the medical community. In Germany, medical students are obligated to study herbal alternatives, if even only rudimentarily (not so in the United States).

A few other herbal remedies have been proven to be as effective or even better than their patented prescription imitators, and they have survived and been proven in clinical trials to be the real deal. Besides Ginkgo, the top “proven” herbal supplements are:

  1. Black Cohosh – Helps with the effects of menopause
  2. Chestnut – (horse chestnut) Improves poor blood circulation in legs (varicose veins)
  3. Devil’s Claw – Anti-inflammatory and helps with joint pain
  4. Garlic – Reduces cholesterol and lowers blood pressure
  5. Hawthorne – Helps some heart conditions
  6. Saw Palmetto – Helps with men’s enlarged prostate, better urination
  7. St. John’s Wort – For mild or moderate depression

And there are many other noteworthy natural herbal remedies worth their weight in complementary alternative medicine (CAM) with fewer side-effects than pharmaceuticals, but without the clout of clinical trials to back them up.

The ongoing battle between Big Pharma and Mother Nature continues. And no one here is failing to admire the medical community for all the good they do in the world, but this dark side of pharmaceutical companies is causing the faith of patients to waver.

The smart thing to do is to practice due diligence in all medical interventions and take responsibility for your own care. You decide what is best for you.

Do not be the next casualty of being an uninformed patient.

Consider having two doctors, a medical doctor, and a holistic professional, consulting with both before committing to any prescribed medication, do some research on your own, then make your own educated decision.

Your life may depend on it.

David M Masters


Stop Eating 4 Things to Purify Your Body and Soul

In the lab, we determined four foods, that if you eliminated them from your diet, would result in having the most significant impact on your body and soul. Keep in mind this research is ongoing and incomplete, based on data we’ve accumulated thus far. We share this data for others to continue to do the work in tandem to verify that you can stop eating 4 things to purify your body and soul.

Based on what we’ve learned so far, the four items are Canola Oil, High Fructose Corn Syrup, Wheat, and Aspartame.


There’s no such thing as a Canola plant. It’s a Monsanto hybrid. Canola oil is made from seeds of the rapeseed weed. “Canola Oil” is a brand-melding Canada (it’s country of origin) and oil.

The Rapeseed hybrid weed harbors toxic compounds called erucic acid and glucosinolates. Erucic acid has already been determined to cause heart problems when studied from the mustard seed source.

“Canola” is grown utilizing RoundUp which makes it high in glyphosate, which causes leaky gut and irritable bowel syndrome. Processing turns it into a high-risk trans-fat. Processing also includes a lengthy toxic hexane solvent wash, then they bleach it in an attempt to remove the hexane from the product.

Causes hair thinning and loss, and may also be used as a weed killer, ant, fly, mouse, and pest killer, and is known to kill birds in areas where it is used as a pesticide.

It doesn’t break down in the body because it’s not natural.

The 6 Dangers of Canola Oil

  1. Kidney and Liver Problems
  2. Life-threatening Heart Problems
  3. Hypertension and Strokes
  4. Retards Normal Growth in Cells and Small Children
  5. Increases the Uptake of Unhealthy Trans-fats
  6. Many other GMO-related health problems, and side effects

Canola Oil also causes or acerbates Type II Diabetes, leads to dementia, insanity, death.

Was created in World War I but used more so in WWII for lubricating guns, hardware, and machinery. After WWII, they no longer had a use of it, so to protect their investment, they decided to tell the world how great this new oil was for your body.

The FDA approved it as GRAS (Generally Regarded As Safe). The company paid the FDA $150 million (under the table) plus $50M (over the table) to get the certification.

When fed to cows (86 – 91) in Europe was considered to be the cause of Mad Cow Disease. They originally attributed the MCD to serving up bad sheep parts, but when they removed Canola Oil from the cow’s diets, the mad cow disease disappeared.

Check labels. If it has canola oil in it, don’t put it in your body.


Ingesting concentrated High Fructose Corn Syrup causes

  • Leaky gut
  • Type II Diabetes
  • Promotes Cancer
  • High levels of Mercury
  • Massive weight gain
  • Fatty Liver and Liver Stress
  • Hepatitis

Top 20 Foods with High Fructose Corn Syrup

  1. Soda
  2. Candy
  3. Sweetened Yogurt
  4. Salad Dressing
  5. Frozen Junk Foods
  6. Breads
  7. Canned Fruit
  8. Juice
  9. Boxed Dinners
  10. Granola Bars
  11. Breakfast Cereals
  12. Store-bought Baked Goods
  13. Sauces and Condiments
  14. Snack Foods
  15. Cereal Bars
  16. Nutrition Bars
  17. Coffee Creamer
  18. Energy Drinks and Sports Drinks
  19. Jam and Jellies
  20. Ice Cream


Not officially GMO but crossbred and modified (by mutagenesis) nonetheless. The new wheat has proteins the human body has never seen before.

Modern wheat is responsible for causing those who partake of it regularly to suffer from

  1. Heart Disease
  2. Diabetes
  3. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
  4. Cognitive disorders
  5. Arthritis
  6. Osteoporosis
  7. Cataracts
  8. Obesity

Most Common Complaints Due to Wheat

  • Headaches
  • Indigestion
  • Asthma
  • Stomach Cramps
  • Stuffy or Runny Nose
  • Hives or Skin Rash
  • Diarrhea
  • Sneezing
  • Vomiting

Notable, but less common, modern wheat eaters may find themselves suffering from Anaphylaxis, a condition that impairs breathing and can send the victim into shock.

As an aside, modern wheat gives you the munchies, like marijuana. Therefore, it is used as an additive to all kinds of foods and liquor because it causes cravings for whatever is being consumed.


Was initially created and used as a mind-control drug by the Nazis and later as a part of MK Ultra. When mixed with methanol (wood alcohol) becomes extremely sweet.

It was promoted as an artificial sweetener, though it still performs the same function as the mind control drug; it makes your mind pliable and easily suggestible while you are eating these foods in front of the television, while surfing the Internet, exposed to media, and/or propaganda.

Side effects of Aspartame

  1. Migraines and Cluster Headaches
  2. Diabetic Complications
  3. Vision Problems (glaucoma)
  4. Hearing Issues
  5. Extreme Sensitivity to Sound
  6. Chronic Inflammation
  7. Arthritic Symptoms
  8. Skeletal Pain
  9. Weight Loss Prevention
  10. Risk of Seizure
  11. Abdominal Pain and Cramping
  12. Irritable Bowel Syndrome/Leaky Gut
  13. Cancer Antagonist (colon and intestinal)
  14. Slurred Speech
  15. Restless Leg Syndrome
  16. Severe Depression
  17. Suicidal Tendencies
  18. Anxiety
  19. Aggression
  20. Personality Changes
  21. Paranoia
  22. Phobias
  23. Insomnia
  24. Heart Palpitations
  25. Increased Allergies
  26. Hives
  27. Asthma
  28. Severe PMS
  29. Unquenchable Thirst
  30. Hair Loss
  31. Craving for Sweets
  32. Hyperactivity in Children

The effects of Aspartame mimic the following diseases:

  1. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
  2. Epstein-Barr
  3. Post-polio Syndrome
  4. Lyme Disease
  5. Grave’s Disease
  6. Meniere’s Disease
  7. Alzheimer’s Disease
  8. ALS
  9. Epilepsy
  10. Multiple Sclerosis (MS)
  11. Hypothyroidism
  12. Mercury sensitivity from Amalgam fillings
  13. Fibromyalgia
  14. Lupus
  15. Non-Hodgkins
  16. Lymphoma
  17. Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD)
  18. Parkinson’s

Aspartame blocks or lowers the levels of

  1. Serotonin
  2. Tyrosine
  3. Dopamine
  4. Norepinephrine
  5. Adrenaline

It is our intention to make these findings available to you to further do research and contribute to the growing knowledgebase concerning how to stop eating 4 things to purify your body and soul.

Here, at the lab, we see no downside to altering our diets to exclude these four things.

David M Masters


Magnesium Potassium Heart Attack

So, there we are, my granddaughter and my friend having dinner at the Mexican restaurant, and Bam! My friend falls to the floor and he tells me to call 911. He’s had two heart attacks prior to this, and this makes the third.

The ambulance comes to take him to the hospital and my granddaughter and I am not too far behind. I’ve never had a heart attack, so it was quite educational to be supportive and, in a sense, “be there” for my friend as he was going through this adventure.
Then, after preliminary tests were made, (now brace yourself for this one), the doctor comes in and says,

“It’s no surprise you had a heart attack. You had no magnesium or potassium in your system.”

I was shocked to hear this statement, and I said, “Whoa, whoa, whoa, what do you mean? What do magnesium and potassium have to do with my friend’s heart attack?”

The doctor said that magnesium and potassium are necessary key ingredients that enable your heart to fire and operate correctly.

My friend asked about his other two heart attacks (which they had full records of at this same hospital)? The doctor confirmed that he had very low levels of both magnesium and potassium at the time of his previous heart attacks as well, and this one, was more severe and life-threatening than the other ones.

The doctor left to take care of some other patients, and my friend and I started to talk about this recent revelation about levels of magnesium and potassium. He told me that while he had been seen and treated twice prior to this, no one ever said two words (specifically these two words) to him about his being low on magnesium and/or potassium… and he could have died.

I think of myself as fairly health conscious and I do my fair share of supplementation, but guess what two ingredients are not in my supplemental regimen? Magnesium and potassium were absent. Well, not totally absent because there were some of each in my multivitamin.

Until this moment in time, I had no idea how important it was to have these two ingredients in your system. How embarrassing would it be for someone as healthy as me to show up in the hospital with a heart attack because I didn’t know about the importance of these two ingredients?

On the way home from the hospital, I stopped and picked up some magnesium and potassium to add to my daily regimen. My friend is also taking magnesium and potassium supplements. Who wouldn’t?

What a travesty to let my friend be treated for two heart attacks and never be made aware of the importance of magnesium and potassium? It’s as if he may not have had any of these heart attacks if he had higher levels of magnesium and potassium in his body.

To me, this seems like an important disclosure. I don’t know why none of the other doctors mentioned the lack of magnesium and potassium to my friend before, but for whatever reason, here it is.

If it’s a highly guarded secret, the cat’s out of the bag, now.

So, now you know, too.

Pass it on.

Author: David M Masters



7 Bonding Hormone Boosters for More Oxytocin

Sharing activities that boost Oxytocin and mix a dash of adrenaline in the cocktail have the most lasting effect on increasing your love bonding.

And here are 7 other well-known activities you can do to boost the bonding hormone, Oxytocin, that will also help to deepen your love relationship:

1. Listen to music together

The act of two people sharing a song together boosts the bonding hormone. Share each other’s favorite playlists. Go to a nightclub that provides good music, kick up the ante by kicking up your heels and getting out on the dance floor. For the biggest boost, go to a concert together.

2. Go on an adventure

Do something or go somewhere you’ve never been before. Anything you can do to make it a little more exciting, like trying a paddleboat, going on a hike, riding go carts, going on a roller coaster. The more you add a little adrenaline, the greater the bond.

3. Snuggle

Oxytocin is known as the “cuddle hormone,” so do more of that. The 7 second hug is notorious for boosting the bonding hormone. Make more occasions to snuggle on the couch, and embrace each other more spontaneously, it works.

4. Have meaningful sex

Sex is fine, but when you make it something meaningful when a couple is aligned and the lovemaking is an extension of your heartfelt connection one with the other, this is the physical representation of genuine bonding through physically sharing each other, essentially drinking in the full flavor and thoroughly enveloping of each other.

5. Meditative practices

Meditative practices, such as guided visualization, meditating, or practicing yoga together will ramp up your Oxytocin-fueled bonding mechanisms.

6. Volunteer

Get out and do something together for the greater good, to add value to your community, help someone in need, and make the world a better place.

7. Gift giving

Even the smallest token of appreciation or expression of affection in the form of a gift can light up Oxytocin and deepen your bond with your partner. It doesn’t have to be big or store-bought, something you make with your hands, even a note or silly poem will do the trick.

All this attention to detail and each other with an open mind, and without judgment, increases your level of trust as your hearts meld together in truth and honesty.

Will it be easy? Hell no. The best stuff is never easy, and if it were, it wouldn’t last long.

You are both on independent journeys, but this co-creative journey which you share, could be the highlight of your life’s path, an integral part of your unique destiny.

And if you can survive this deepening relationship, you are well on your way to true and enduring love.

Want to learn more about how to best love your beloved, or help others explore the boundaries of their love?

Check-in with my friends at St Paul’s Free University, or contact me, I’m David M Masters, and you find out more about me at