
22 Diseases Eliminated by Multifaceted Natural Alternatives?

In pursuing holistic health, countless individuals have turned to natural alternatives for treating diseases, seeking solutions that conventional medicine may not provide. Over time, various natural therapies have gained recognition for their potential to alleviate or even eliminate symptoms of severe health conditions. Below, we explore how four controversial natural alternatives—chlorine dioxide, DMSO, magnesium chloride, and colloidal Silver Water—have reportedly eliminated the symptoms of 22 diseases:

Alzheimer’s Disease Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS)
Arthritis Asthma
Autoimmune Diseases Bronchitis
Cancer Cardiovascular Disease (CVD)
Dementia Depression
Diabetes Fibromyalgia
HIV / AIDS Hypertension
Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) Lupus
Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Parkinson’s Disease
Prostatitis Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA)
Stroke Tuberculosis (TB)

Breaking Down the Four Natural Alternatives

The four therapies under discussion—chlorine dioxide, DMSO, magnesium chloride, and colloidal Silver Water—are renowned in alternative health circles for their purported abilities to tackle various diseases. Each has unique benefits and a growing body of anecdotal evidence supporting its efficacy.

1. Chlorine Dioxide (MMS)

Chlorine Dioxide, commonly called MMS (Master Mineral Solution), gained attention thanks to Jim Humble, who discovered its alleged ability to cure various illnesses, including malaria. While it is primarily used as a water purifier, many alternative medicine advocates claim it has impressive healing properties.

However, this natural alternative has been mired in controversy, especially in the U.S., where the FDA and mainstream media launched campaigns against its use, accusing its proponents of promoting “bleach” consumption. Despite the harsh criticisms, studies have indicated potential benefits, particularly in treating viral infections like COVID-19. Advocates continue to support its ability to alleviate disease symptoms.

2. DMSO (Dimethyl Sulfoxide)

DMSO, derived from wood pulp, has a long history in alternative health. This compound’s strength lies in its ability to act as a transdermal carrier, delivering other healing agents through the skin and into the bloodstream. Known for reducing inflammation, increasing circulation, and enhancing neural connectivity, DMSO is widely used in treating conditions like arthritis, cardiovascular disease, and even neural disorders like ALS and Parkinson’s disease.

Despite its remarkable benefits, DMSO remains controversial and under-regulated, leaving its full potential largely untapped by mainstream medicine.

3. Magnesium Chloride

Magnesium Chloride, a mineral derived from seawater, offers impressive healing properties. This nontoxic substance is essential for cellular health and has been noted for its capacity to treat diseases like tuberculosis, cardiovascular disease, and diabetes. Its most notable feature is its ability to rejuvenate the body’s magnesium stores, which are often depleted in individuals with chronic diseases.

Magnesium chloride is relatively safe, with fewer regulatory challenges than other alternative treatments, and has been used in various forms, from oral supplements to transdermal applications, to improve overall health.

4. Silver Water (Colloidal Silver)

Silver Water, or colloidal silver, has been used as a natural antibiotic for centuries. Proponents argue it effectively combats pathogens, including bacteria, viruses, and fungi. Wayne Rowland, an expert in natural alternatives, developed a comprehensive protocol using colloidal silver in combination with parasite cleansing, Lugol’s iodine, enzymes, and nutrients. This powerful combination reportedly eliminated symptoms of several chronic diseases, from cancer to HIV/AIDS.

However, its use is heavily contested by regulatory bodies like the FDA, which cautions against the potential risks of silver accumulation in the body.

Combining These Natural Therapies for a Multifaceted Approach

Some alternative health practitioners believe that a combination of these four therapies—chlorine Dioxide, DMSO, Magnesium Chloride, and Silver Water—offers a powerful and synergistic approach to healing. Although each therapy individually provides a range of benefits, using them together may amplify their effects, creating a more comprehensive strategy for addressing chronic and debilitating conditions.

In 2014, Wayne Rowland developed a program combining three therapies with additional cleansing protocols to rebuild the microbiome. This innovative approach resulted in remarkable health improvements in patients dealing with various diseases. While Rowland’s program did not include magnesium chloride, adding this potent mineral could improve the therapeutic package and its effectiveness.

The Controversy: Regulatory Pushback

Natural alternatives often face significant opposition from regulatory bodies like the FDA, which argue against their use due to concerns over safety and efficacy. Chlorine Dioxide, in particular, has been at the center of this debate, with both Jim Humble and Mark Grenon facing legal action for promoting it as a cure for various diseases. Despite these challenges, many natural health advocates continue to use and promote these therapies, citing personal success stories and emerging scientific studies as evidence.

Exercise Caution and Seek Guidance

While natural alternatives offer exciting possibilities for healing, it is essential to approach them with care. The FDA has not approved these treatments for disease, and self-treatment carries risks. It is always advisable to consult with a natural healthcare provider before beginning any new treatment protocol, particularly for those with pre-existing medical conditions or who are pregnant or nursing.

As we seek ways to improve health and treat chronic disease, natural alternatives provide an intriguing and potentially transformative option. Chlorine dioxide, DMSO, magnesium chloride, and colloidal Silver Water have shown promise in eliminating the symptoms of many serious diseases. For those willing to explore outside conventional medical paths, these therapies may offer hope where traditional treatments fall short.

Ultimately, choosing natural alternatives is personal, with potential risks and rewards. Being informed and working with a knowledgeable practitioner ensures these promising treatments’ safe and effective use.
